I am a tool developer and interested in the fence's functionality to authorize through dbGaP. Thank you for the webinar and doc on Gen3 authorization. Is there a Gen3 site I can use to test out the authorization service via NIH iTrust and dbGaP?
I am looking at the Fence API swagger site: http://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uc-cdis/fence/master/openapis/swagger.yaml#/login, but not sure how to use it for testing.
Hi @Jingchun_Zhu! Welcome to the forum
dbGaP authorization usually requires a Trusted Partner relationship with NIH. If your organization is a Trusted Partner and you already set up a fence for authentication/authorization, then you can test it from a python script, try to call the "login/shib" API endpoint, the response should contain status_code 302 for the redirect. Please see examples for fence login tests.
If you haven't configured your fence yet, these documents may help you:
Shibboleth / InCommon login
dbGaP Information (as understood by Gen3)
I wonder if you would like to join our slack channel, where Gen3 enthusiasts discuss Gen3 setup, configuration, features?
Also, I'm curious to learn more about your project, if it is not confidential information:slightly_smiling_face:
Could you please send me an invite to the slack channel?
Hi @Jingchun_Zhu! We sent you an invite