In my continuing efforts to evaluate gen3 commons, I'm trying to set up gen3 via the cloud-automation repository. I'm having some trouble following the instructions for setting up CSOC free found at https://github.com/uc-cdis/cloud-automation/blob/master/doc/csoc-free-commons-steps.md .
I successfully follow the directions in the above document through running the 'gen3 workon cdistest commons-test' command. I receive a ' Terraform has been successfully initialized! ' message.
The next step is to edit the config.tfvars file, which exists but is empty. The backend.tfvars and README files are also blank, leading me to believe that the terraform operation wasn't successful.
I tried to move on to the 'gen3 tfplan' command in the next step, but am prompted to input database passwords for services that I haven't set up yet (fence, sheepdog, peregrine, etc.). Obviously the terraform plan is not successfully created after this.
I'd greatly appreciate any help you can give me. I'm very interested in the visualization and datastorage aspects of the data commons, but need the components not functional in the compose-services setup to fully the usefulness of the software.
-Andy W.