Gen3 Login using WebUI

I have deployed Gen3 on AWS using procedure, all the pods are up&running and could launch Gen3 webUI.
While trying to login using Gen3 webUI, Instead of "login from Google" button, I always see "Getting available login options... If this button has been loading for a while, please try to refresh this page or contact support" message.
I noticed, the usersync job is failing with fence container waiting for /mnt/shared/user.yaml message in the logs.
Is this issue due to missing of any step/config in, please point me to the missing config.

The URL of the Gen3 deployment.

Hey @Somesh,

welcome to the Forum and thank you for your question!

Sounds like two issues. No login and failing usersync.

The message "Getting available login options.." means the Fence pod is not healthy (the portal is never receiving login options data from Fence). Please check if there is more information in the Fence logs and let us know which version of Fence you are using.

For the usersync, can you take a look into the logs of the usersync pods and on what's shown on <hostname>/user/login?

Best regards!

Thank you @xritter2 for your response.
The user sync job is completed successfully after updating the access permissions on S3 and file level.
In the fence logs, I see "[fence.error_handler][ ERROR] 404 HTTP error occured " message.
I have tried the master, latest and stable version of Fence images.

Hey! Do you see any other error messages perhaps? We saw you also posted the same question in Slack; thank you for reporting back via Slack.

Hi @Somesh,
Did you resolve the problem?
I've got the same message "Getting available login options... If this button has been loading for a while, please try to refresh this page or contact support" in Web UI.
Any advice?

Hi @dong721 ,

The problem resolved after updating the fence-config.yaml with the following. these lines already present in the file, you just need to uncomment. Hope this helps.


  • name: 'Login from Google'
    desc: 'description'
    idp: google
    secondary: False

Hi @Somesh,
Thanks for your information.
But the login problem is still there after I update fence-config.yaml .

Hi @xritter2,
Do you have any suggestion for my problem? Thanks a lot.

I hope the usersync and useryaml jobs are successful.

@Somesh all jobs and containers are in the Running/Completed state.

Hi dong721,
If you have not checked usersync and useryaml logs yet, please have a look into the logs, might give some inputs to move-on, also the fence. please ignore if have already taken care.

Hi @Somesh,
I've resolved the problem, in fence-config.yaml,
also need to comment the line ENABLED_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS: