General Gen3 communication and Slack channel

Hello! Thank you for the recent webinar regarding authentication. During the Q&A period there was some talk about using Slack as a means of communication. I would like more information on how to join your Slack channel and how to become a contributor to Gen3. Thanks!

Hi Jon!

We sent you the invitation to our slack channel. Our Gen3 software is open source and you can explore the code on GitHub. Welcome to Gen3 community! :slight_smile:

Piggy backing off Jon, I was also present during the webinar and am interested in joining the Gen3 Slack community. Thank you!

Hi @Viktorija Could you send me an invitation to Gen3 slack channel as well? I joined the webinar yesterday and am eager to join the Gen3 community.

Hi @philip_whalen and @Tao_Liu! We sent invitations, see you on slack :slight_smile:

@Viktorija Thank you!

Please get me in. Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi! Invitation sent :slight_smile:

Hey @Viktorija , could I please get an invite to the Slack chat as well?


Welcome to the forum, Travis! An invite was sent your way.

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Brian O. here, just joined the forum.

Can you send me an invitation to the Slack channel?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Brian! We've sent you an invitation :slight_smile:


Hmm. Not yet received.

Can you try again? That’s

Thanks again,

Brian O.

We sent a new invitation. Could you check and let me know if you received it?


I’m in, thank you.


Hi @Viktorija,
could I please be added to the slack channel? Thanks!

We sent you the invite :slight_smile:

Hi @Viktorija,

Could you send invites to Gen3 slack for the following:


Hi Jason! We send invites to emails you mentioned. Welcome to the Gen3 Community :slight_smile:

Hi there! I'm the Project Manager for the ENCODE Data Coordination Center. Just heard about the Data BIoSphere and Gen3. Would like to learn more about the groups who use Gen3 and their experiences. Perhaps slack would be a good venue?