Compose Services upload issues

I'm trying to test out the gen3 app. I have it running inside the docker-compose framework as documented: here.

Now, I'm trying to upload some data. I'm trying to use the gen3-client.

The following succeeded no problems:

configure --profile=bob  --cred=$HOME/.gen3/credentials.json --apiendpoint=https://localhost

Now when I try to upload a file I'm getting the following issues:

gen3-client upload --profile=bob --upload-path=./testing.txt

2019/07/17 13:45:26 You don't have permission to upload data, detailed error message: Error occurred in RequestNewAccessKey: Error occurred during making HTTP request: Post https://localhost/user/credentials/api/access_token: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

is there a way to force the client to accept a self signed certificate?

Hi @csgeek!

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

As a first step I would suggest to add self-signed certificate to your trusted certificates. Steps may vary depending on OS you use. What system are you running on?

is there no option for the gen3-client to accepted self-signed certificates?

I added the SSL certificate as a trusted resource, and now my error changed to:

2019/07/18 09:13:05 You don't have permission to upload data, detailed error message: 403 Forbidden error has occurred! You don't have permission to access the requested url "https://localhost/user/data/upload"

I also didn't see a step where I'm setting up a GS bucket in the documentation. Unless the app does that programmatically, I assume that needs to be setup?

Compose Services has limitations comparing to Cloud Automation, file upload was one of these limitations, that is why it is not documented. However I think it is possible to make gen3-client work with Composer Services now. Recent fence-yaml.conf file contains configuration variables for cloud services. Let me check with our developer how to better configure for GC, I will update you.

Regarding upload error - have you granted yourself permission in the user.yaml? Following sections should be present in your configuration:


        - id: 'data_upload'
          description: 'upload raw data files to S3'
          resource_paths: ['/data_file']
          role_ids: ['file_uploader']


      - id: 'file_uploader'
        description: 'can upload data files'
            - id: 'file_upload'
                  service: 'fence'
                  method: 'file_upload'

  admin: True
  policies: ['data_upload', 'workspace']

If there is a guide for Cloud Automation that I've missed I'd love to look that over, but for now looking at compose services.

Confirming the following section exist in my user.yml

         - id: 'data_upload'
           description: 'upload raw data files to S3'
           resource_paths: ['/data_file']
           role_ids: ['file_uploader']
         - id: workspace
           description: be able to use workspace
           resource_paths: [/workspace]
           role_ids: [workspace_user]
         - id: 'file_uploader'
           description: 'can upload data files'
               - id: 'file_upload'
                     service: 'fence'
                     method: 'file_upload'
         - id: workspace_user
           - action: {method: access, service: jupyterhub}
             id: workspace_access  ##this is changed so my email isn't on a public forum but config is updated
     admin: True
     policies: ['data_upload', 'workspace']

Thanks for confirming user.yaml sections. I'm checking how to configure Google Cloud for Compose Services, those could be related, I will update you.

Here is a link to Cloud Automation guide FYI:

Hi @csgeek.

I would like to update you with my findings. Currently Google Cloud support is not implemented in the Compose Services and there is no trivial way to automatically tight them.

Noted, Thanks for the update @Viktorija. I'll follow the guide you linked above and see how far that gets me. Thank you for the help provided.